Current Projects

These are all full-stack projects where we not only designed and developed the website but continue to provide hosting and support.

If you think we may be able to help your business or organization we'd love to talk. Just drop us a line and we'll get back to you.

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Edvins Strautmanis Art

A Craft CMS project for the estate of Lat­vian artist Edvins Straut­ma­n­is. All images are next gen for­mats and src­set for performance.

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Landis Arboretum

Lan­dis Arbore­tum is a non-prof­it arbore­tum in Esper­ance, NY. Built with Craft CMS the site fea­tures exten­sive archives, an active cal­en­dar and pay­ment form pro­cess­ing via Stripe for mem­ber­ship and donations.

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Vale Cemetery

Built with Craft CMS the site fea­tures include a search­able data­base of ore than 30,000 grave records along with a large col­lec­tion of his­tor­i­cal documents.

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The Esperance Museum

A web­site for the Esper­ance Muse­um and His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety cat­a­loging their exten­sive col­lec­tion of books, pho­tographs and arti­facts from Esper­ances, NY and the sur­round­ing area.

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Owl Birthdays

Owl Birth­days helps small busi­ness by pro­mot­ing birth­day spe­cials to local users. Ben­e­fits include tar­get­ed opt-in emails to ver­i­fied local users and access to Owl Cash com­mu­ni­ty gift cards.

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Clean Living Air

A Craft CMS site with sophis­ti­cat­ed user man­age­ment and surveys.

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Built with Craft CMS, Ameri­coups offers PDF down­loads of coupons and exten­sive meta­da­ta for dis­cov­er­abil­i­ty and SEO.

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The Hub Eatery

The Hub is a full ser­vice restau­rant in Uti­ca, NY. Built with Craft CMS the site fea­tures an eas­i­ly updat­ed menu, event cal­en­dar and blog. Flipdish was inte­grat­ed for easy online ordering.

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Tri-County Photobooths

Built in Word­Press the site fea­tures online book­ing and pay­ments along with a blog and pho­to gallery.