Dead Simple Chili

Cheap easy chili for the culinary challenged. Nothing too fancy, just some meaty stew with what might be in the pantry.

Aug 22, 2021

Ask ten peo­ple how to make chili and you’ll get ten answers.

Don’t wor­ry about it. In the end, your mak­ing meat soup and need three things.

Meat and/​or beans. Veg­eta­bles. Liquid.

Start by gath­er­ing onions, pep­pers and garlic.

You want the amount of onions and pep­pers rough­ly equal — use any pep­pers you want — here we’re using a yel­low bell, a cou­ple of Cubanos and a good chunk of crazy hot Scotch Bon­net. Chili pep­per would opti­mum, but we don’t have any.

Chop em all up with few cloves of garlic.

Garlic, lts and lots of garlic.

Then add some protein.

Cook up what­ev­er meat you want. We’re using ground beef but chick­en works fine. If you want veg­gie chili just replace the meat with an extra can of beans.

Meat. Doesn't matter much what kind.

When the meat is done dump it into a large pot.

Fry up the veg­gies and gar­lic in some olive oil until they are translucent.

Throw it all in a pot.

Mix it all up and add enough liq­uid to bare­ly cov­er the chili. You can use any liq­uid, I used a cup of beef broth and then anoth­er of water because the broth is so salty. Beer also works well.

Bring this con­coc­tion to a sim­mer and begin a spice mix.

Your rule of thumb on spice is 3 parts chili pow­der to 1 part cumin. Start with 3 table­spoons of chili pow­der, you need more than you think. I usu­al­ly add a half part of papri­ka for col­or, a half part gar­lic pow­der and a healthy dash of black pep­per and salt.

Spice. It's nice.

Stir your spice mix into to your pot of bub­bling goodness.

Let it sim­mer on low until the beans are ten­der and the liq­uid is reduced to a con­sis­ten­cy you like.

That’s it. You just made chili.